8**.-(1) When the date of an election is appointed under section 7 the Governor* shall by notice published in the Gazette appoint for such election a Greek to be the Returning Officer for the electoral division for the election of the President (in this Law referred to as "the Greek Returning Officer") and a Turk to be the Returning Officer for the electoral division for the election of the Vice-President (in this Law referred to as "the Turkish Returning Officer").
(2) The Governor* may appoint any number of persons to be Assistant Returning Officers if a poll is to take place. Such Assistant Returning Officers shall have all the powers and may perform all the duties of a Returning Officer and shall belong to the same community as the Returning Officer, the powers and duties of whom they are to have and perform.
(3) When a Returning Officer by illness or other cause is prevented from performing his duties, or shall refuse or neglect to do so at an election, the Governor* may, at any time, appoint a person belonging to the same community to act in the place of such Returning Officer at such election.
(4) A Returning Officer shall have an office within the municipal limits of Nicosia.